What Supplements Should Be Taken During Menopause?

For women in their late 30s or 40s, menopause can be an extremely real problem. This stage in life has been difficult for some.

If you've felt the signs of menopause, then you're familiar with hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and a variety of other unpleasant symptoms. However, you shouldn't fret too much about it because you live in an age where menopause supplements are freely available for women like you.

Signs and Symptoms of Menopause

Your body goes through hormonal changes once it stops ovulating. It sometimes doesn't know how to react, which is why this wreaks havoc on your system. Before you do reach the actual menopausal stage, you have what you cause pre-menopausal stage. This is when you feel the changes taking place.

The following are some of the expects you may feel:

1. Hot Flashes - You suddenly feel warm even when the weather is cold. It seems as if no amount of air-conditioning can soothe you. This could last anywhere from a few minutes to an hour.
2. Night Sweats - You wake up in the middle of the night freezing. Cold sweat is running down your body. Instead of feeling warm, you want to wrap yourself up in a thick blanket.
3. Vaginal Dryness - You lose moisture down there, which makes sex painful.
4. Loss of Libido - You lose the urge to engage in sex. Part of it could be the pain you feel because of dryness.
5. Mood Swings - You blow hot and cold. You're happy one moment, irritable the next, and emotional soon after.
6. Irregular Periods - Your period doesn't come monthly like it used to. In fact, your menstrual flow has slowed down and the months are spaced further and further apart.
7. Fatigue - You feel extremely tired and unsociable. All you want to do is to rest at home and stay in bed all day long.

These symptoms are actually controllable. Seek help immediately if menopause has disrupted your life significantly. It's time to visit your OB-GYNE to get menopause supplements that ease discomfort and reduce symptoms. The important thing right now is that you shouldn't try to brave it all on your own. Get help because there is actually a way for you to feel better.

Menopause Supplements

The menopause supplement industry has become popular for good reason. Some manufacturers have created supplements that are made from natural ingredients while other drugs require a prescription. You do have the freedom to choose what you want, but if you want what's best for you and your wellbeing, then you may want to consult with your doctor first.

Menopause supplements are sometimes made with ingredients that don't react well with certain medicines, which is why you may want professional advice, especially if you've been previously diagnosed with other health problems.

Whatever the case may be, here are some of the more popular menopause supplements available:

1. Hormonal Treatment - This is done by injecting hormones into your body to bring the balance back. You lose estrogen when you go through menopause and through hormonal treatments, your body is once again stabilized because the 'cocktail' given is a mix of the components you've lost.
2. Natural or Herbal Supplements - These medicines contain natural or naturally occurring ingredients that are believed to be easily recognizable by the body. These don't require a prescription as its components come from Mother Nature. Some of the most common ingredients used are black cohosh, vitamins B6 and B12, Folic Acid and Inositol. Some supplements also make use of essential oils such as flaxseed oil, evening primrose oil, vitamin E, and Omega 3.
3. Prescription Meds - These are potent weapons against menopause, but some women actually swear by it as it helped them reclaim their life.

So, which one works best for you? As mentioned previously, it's all really up to you. However, don't lose contact with your doctor because as helpful as many of these menopause supplements are, there's no denying the fact that your body's currently going through changes. You need an expert to monitor your health and wellbeing until you can cope with menopause without difficulty or until you've gone past the stage altogether.

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