Dermaline Skin Lightening Cream - Is It Safe to Get Lighter Skin?

Dermaline skin whitening cream originally intended for Philippine climate. It is effective skin lightening product that is created by Diana Stalder, who is owner of first Filipino-owned Beauty Product Company. The manufacturer wants to help people pamper their skin with their product lines. The manufacturer does not sell this product directly.

It is a skin whitening cream that claims to lighten up your skin tone. This also helps improve the darkness of knees and elbows, reduces the age spots and lightens up the freckles. Here we discuss about the ingredients and other features of Dermaline skin lightening cream.

Ingredients in dermaline:

The ingredients in this product include the following:
Diacetil Boldine, beeswax, zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, white petroleum, mineral oil, magnesium stearate, bismuth sub nitrate, aloe vera, vitamin E, fragrance.

Unlike other skin whiteners, this product also contains additional ingredients that help fade the skin issues of darkness and unevenness. Licorice extract is one of the key ingredient containing a protein thereby provides you with dramatic skin lightening effects. It supports your skin with brightening effects similar to that of hydroquinone. Kojic acid, vitamin c and retinol are some other useful elements to lighten your skin without causing inflammation or redness.
Other elements like arbutin, lactic acid and tyrostat are also present in this product.

Does it work?

The product works well with people having a naturally tan skin tone. This contains a formulation which works in any type of climate including hot and humid. This is suitable for use by people who reside in the southern US coast.

Dermaline works for you if you have skin pigmentations and you live in place where the climatic conditions are humid. You should check out the information regarding this product before you opt for it. Lack of information and no official website is a liability to trust the claims of this product.  You should instead check out the products that have official website where you can find more information regarding the skin brightener for tackling the pigmentation issue of skin.
It is a skin whitening cream proven to be effective for bleaching the skin. This product contains active ingredients from nature which has potential to tackle the skin issues.

Directions for usage:

First, wash your skin with dermaline soap. Apply the cream and massage it such that it gets penetrated into your skin. Repeat these steps twice a day to get better results.

Apply a very thin layer on the affected areas of face and body. This has enough concentration to provide you healthy whitening. Smooth out the cream on damp skin to allow easy absorption. Use this product on your body as per the directions.
You should first determine the comfort level in using this product. If your skin is sensitive then use this product two to three times a week. You can increase the frequency of application of this cream gradually.

Good about this product:

  1. The product contains natural ingredients to safely lighten the dark pigments of skin
  2. Absence of hydroquinone makes it safe to get whiter skin
  3. Perfect for those who wish stronger potency to achieve overall skin lightening
  4. You can use this product along with sunscreen moisturizer having 30 up SPF
  5. This product works for reducing the dark skin spots present underarms, in the inner thighs and knuckles, knees and elbows.

Are there any bad?
  • Not readily available in the US as there is no official website
  • Lack of scientific data regarding the ingredients present in this product
  • No complete list is available about this product
  • Designed to work for specific people who work in hot, humid climates
  • No free trial offer is provided for this product.
  • This could irritate your skin and cause inflammation if used with strong exfoliating moisturizers containing alpha hydroxy or acids.
  • You need to use additional moisturizers to get rosy effects in face and body.

Some people who might be sensitive to certain ingredients might feel itching and burning sensation. Peeling, redness and irritation are other side effects caused due to active ingredients in this product.
You should store this product in a cool, dry place away from sun, humidity and extreme temperature. The product can be used until two to three years after the manufacturing date.
Whether or not there is a great return policy is unclear. The price range of this product is not revealed anywhere by the third party distributor.
Make certain to buy this product from a source where you get detailed information to contact in case if you are not satisfied with it.

Read Dermaline skin lightening cream reviews to get detailed information regarding this product. Compare the features of dermaline with other Skin Brighteners; this will help you to make a wise decision to buy best product for lightening the skin.


  1. Thank you very much for writing such an interesting article on this topic. This has really made me think and I hope to read more.

  2. When selecting pores and skin whitening cream you want to don't forget your skin kind and the regions of pores and skinyou want to lighten.

  3. Kojic acid is an all-star skincare ingredient for lightening and brightening. An ingredient with very natural routes. Can you guess where it comes from? Mushrooms or it’s even sometimes made from rice. Kojic acid is one of very few ingredients which can lighten your skin tone without the troublesome side effects associated with hydroquinone.

    I encourage to use natural skin care products from Koji White which produces many natural soaps and creams for skin whitening and other skin problems.

  4. Kojic acid is an all-star skincare ingredient for lightening and brightening. An ingredient with very natural routes. Can you guess where it comes from? Mushrooms or it’s even sometimes made from rice. Kojic acid is one of very few ingredients which can lighten your skin tone without the troublesome side effects associated with hydroquinone.

    I encourage to use natural skin care products from Koji White which produces many natural soaps and creams for skin whitening and other skin problems.

  5. Everybody want to get toned even the beautiful black ladies still believe their skin isnt good enough for them. Free Healthcare and Fitness But when you consider the side effect of bleaching cream, they will learn someday i believe. Leave your skin alone
