Joint Pain Supplements: Supplements to alleviate pain

Joints are the most essential part of our body as they help in the main functioning of the bones that is movements. Joints hold the bones together and are designed to supply movement within the skeletal system. The main function of the bone is to support, while the joints allow a certain amount of suppleness to our structure. The synovial joints, where the ends of bone are connected by a joint cavity or capsule containing synovial fluid, allow freedom and fluidity in the articulation of our movements.  Chondroitin helps to alleviate pain. Niacinamide (a form of vitamin B3) is another of the joint health supplements that helps to improve flexibility as well as reduce inflammation.

S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) refers to a naturally occurring compound that can help to increase chondrocytes (cartilage cells) as well as cartilage thickness, besides reducing cytokine induced chondrocyte damage. All this helps to reduce joint pains. Besides being uses in treating joint pains, it is also used in order to treat other conditions such as depression and liver disease. Studies have shown that SAMe refers to joint health supplements that can improve symptoms of pain although it may take several weeks before you may see the improvement.

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties. This is because it works by inhibiting COX as well as lipoxygenase as well as decreasing the synthesis of inflammatory prostaglandins. Besides being the mainstay of several savoury dishes, ginger also forms a part of joint health supplements as it can alleviate joint pains that are associated with standing or walking.

Turmeric refers to a spice that is widely used as a culinary herb. In fact, turmeric has been used since ancient times as joint health supplements in order to reduce joint inflammation. Turmeric includes the active ingredient curcumin that exerts it anti-inflammatory effect since it inhibits COX-2, prostaglandins as well as leukotrienes. This improves the symptoms of joint pains. Turmeric can be safely consumed in case it is added to food as a spice.

Also, plant based drugs have minimal side effects and they have been safely used as joint health supplements since ancient times. An example of this is the Pluchea lanceolata (Rasna), a medicinal plant that has long been used in order to alleviate joint pains and arthritis. It needs to be consumed thrice daily in order to reduce inflammation of the joints.


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