Cosmelan Cream for Skin Discoloration

There are situations in which your skin will darken due to many environmental factors. These are majorly changes of weather aspects such as temperature and humidity. Cosmelan is a skin care product that allows you to undo the darkening on your skin due to these aspects. The general population is however ore concerned about skin darkening as far as ageing is concerned. When we grow older, our bodies stop producing as much collagen as it did in our youth. Collagen, being the essential scleroprotein for skin maintenance, if in low quantities will result in unhealthy/ ageing skin. Cosmelan also fights against this factor, making sure you have enough collagen to keep your skin looking young.


The formulation for the cosemelan products is kept quite secret. We however do know that the active ingredient is an enzyme inhibitor of tyrosinase. This enzyme is an essential building block for melanin that is the skin pigmentor. By inhibiting it, it is quite obvious that less pigment will be produced and the end result is a lighter looking you! This product does not contain bleaching agents as most people suppose it does, though the positive effects are as blatant as bleach would be.

How does it help in lightening skin?

As mentioned earlier, this product is works as a melanin suppressant. High melanin levels are equivalent to darker skin shades - that's what's makes the difference between the races! Coleman works by   introducing an agent that will suppress the enzyme tyrosinase. Tyrosinase is an essential building block for melanin, and therefore if your body does not produce enough tyrosinase, then it will be virtually impossible to create melanin, and therefore your skin will appear lighter. The advantage of this method is that it is skin deep- it attacks the problem at its root and therefore the effect is longer lasting.

Is its ingredients safe?

The ingredients themselves are not clearly known, and therefore cannot be judged accurately. However, the mere fact that it suppresses part of your body's natural functioning is a very bad sign. It means that in search for beauty, you miss some enzymes from being formed. The net effect of this is not known but there are chances that some form of mutation could be the end result. The cream, being a facial product is also quite too concentrated, and therefore is a potential risk to the eyes incase it accidentally drops in.

Directions for using Cosmelan

Cosmelan is applied in 2 stages. The first cosmelan is a mask, that is deemed fit to control and even teat cases of hyperpigmentation. The mask is applied once, and done by professionals only. The process of application is therefore hidden from the general ublic. This mask is only applied once, and leads to the use of Cosmelan 2. It is usually applied to the entire facial area.

Cosmelan 2 is a daily use cream, useable by the genera public. Application is once a day everyday for desired results.


  • Advantages of using the Cosmelan remedy for darkened skin are as follows;
  • This product is free from bleaching agent thus it maintains the integrity of your skin
  • This product is relatively esy to use, as its application is not as tedious as other skin brighteners are.
  • Cosmelan is manufactured from a well known producer, thus you are free from scams.

  • Disadvantages of using the Cosmelan remedy for darkened skin are as follows;
  • There are many grey areas concerning this products, these include the product ingredients and application of Cosmelan Mask 1
  • Cosmelan Mask 1 is not only very mysterious, but also quite expensive. For the single application, Price values range from $500- $1000
  • Cosmelan, mask and cream, inhibit the production of an enzyme in your body. This enzyme deficiency could cause complications after a while of usage
  • Cosmelan does not own up to the potential hazard their product causes.

This is really a quick fix for those who want to get rid of their darkened faces as fast as possible. It is however necessary to check how safe you are and will be when you use this product. Do consult with your doctors before embarking on Cosmelan treatment.


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