Is Eyelash Tinting Safe to Try?

Eyebrow and eyelash tinting have hit the market today. There are many methods to tint or dye your lashes or hair but is it safe and should you try lash tinting?

What is eyelash tint?

Lash Tinting is a particular method people get done on their faces where a professional coats the eyelashes with a sort of dye that will change the color of the lashes into a specific color that can make the iris pop. This method can be done professionally at a salon or at home, though it is recommended to get it done professionally for fewer problems to occur during the process.

Should You Try Lash Tinting?
Trying out this method is a good idea for anyone wanting their skin to brighten or if you are unsatisfied with your look then you should try it out.

What does a typical eyelash tinting session involve?
A session will require tint, tint developer, and plenty of tissues. First you would pick the color you want, and then the dye would be mixed with a swab before swabbing it onto the lashes. The tissues are placed underneath the lashes to prevent the dye from touching the skin and causing a possible reaction on the skin. Then sit back for ten minutes before removing the chemicals from the lashes.

How Does Eyelash Tinting Work?
This works by changing the color of the eyelashes and the changes are profound with how they affect a person's appearance.

Benefits of Lash Tinting
The main benefit of this procedure is the creation of more ample looking lashes that brighten the facial features.

How to remove eyelash tinting?
Removing the tint is a simple process, but should be done with extreme caution because when not done carefully the chemicals could seep into an eye and create irritation or an infection. That is why removing the dye is very important after the session. The best way to remove tint is to begin by gently moistening the area with some warm water and a washcloth. Dip the washcloth in the warm water and lightly run the washcloth on your face. At this point you are not trying to take off the tinting; this is simply trying to loosen it with a light lather of warm water. Then dip a swab into either cooking oil or into a special eye makeup remover and then rub the it lightly back and forth along the edges of your eyelids and keep them closed. Keep at it until all of the chemical has been removed. While you still have any extra tinting around your lids then you can use a little portion of the makeup remover that you used before to take off the last part with another swab.

Is Eyelash Tinting Dangerous?
This beauty method is not a dangerous activity and many men and women have not had any serious reaction to the dye. While the FDA has not approved any permanent dye, and it is still a good idea to take precaution while placing the dye and even when removing the dye from the lashes. This procedure is a wonderful step for beauty that can alter a look almost instantly, but many scientists and doctors are uncertain about exposing our eyeballs to any sort of chemicals for the chance they will affect them terribly. This is why before trying it out, research should be done to prevent using a poorly reviewed dye with chemicals that could impair your sight and the chemical happens to go into your eye. It would also be best to try a professional out for the first time before any attempts at home are made. Also try asking a professional for their opinion on what color you should use and any knowledge of a time they had come across a client that reacted poorly to a dye. Eyelash tinting is certainly not for everybody and you may find something that works better for you, but trying it out is not a terrible idea.


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